
Engaging Communities, Improving Access

Transforming Ourselves through Dialogue, Organizing & Services (TOD@S) is an inter-agency collaboration of The Network/La Red, The Hispanic Black Gay Coalition, Violence Recovery Program at Fenway Health, and Renewal House, a program of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry. Together we work to improve and increase access to intervention and prevention services for LGBQ/T people of color affected by partner abuse through education, community organizing and direct services.

Our agencies provide bilingual (English & Spanish):

  • 24 Hour Confidential Hotline
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Advocacy and Case Management
  • Counseling (including Pastoral Counseling) and Support Groups
  • English as a Second Language Classes
  • Social groups and events
  • Community Education
  • Training and Technical Assistance for Service Providers

All of our services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.