Celebrating #QTPOClove

Drawing of two people sitting on front steps of a building with the title 'Love Means: My Partner Encourages My Friendships'

Celebrating #QTPOCLove

The TOD@S Collaborative supports LGBQ/T people of color who are affected by domestic violence/ partner abuse and sexual assault. During Domestic Violence Awareness Month TOD@S is launching a public awareness campaign to broaden public understanding of what partner abuse is and who it impacts, while also depicting, promoting and celebrating healthy relationships among LGBQ/T people of color.

About Partner Abuse

Partner abuse is a recurring and chronic pattern of behaviors where one person tries to control the thoughts, beliefs, and/or actions of their partner, someone they are dating or someone they had an intimate relationship with. Partner abuse is also called domestic violence, battering, intimate partner abuse, and/or dating violence.

Bi-Specific Partner Abuse

Trans-Specific Partner Abuse

Abuso de Pareja Para las Personas Bisexuales

El Abuso de pareja afecta a gente transgénero también


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Kickoff Press Release